Last night was a bit of a daydreamy type of after sex fogg. The hubs caught me off gaurd while half asleep... don't ya love when they do that?
So needless to say when I was falling back asleep 2 seconds later (oh snap)... I daydreamed silly thoughts about what I would do if I won PowerBall.
And here is my dream.
If I won powerball, I would immediatly commision the building of a new home. Not just any home mind you.. but a GREEN home. I would want solar panels and wind mills so we could live completely off the grid. I would want our heat and electric needs met so that we never have to pay for those things again and we wouldn't be poluting the earth.
I would also set up water cysterns to collect rain water so I could water my garden naturally.
I would use all green paint. I would reclaim old wood for flooring, and use granite for countertops.
I would have a compost pile.
And a large vegetable garden with fruit trees so I could grow my own organic produce.
I would want this house on a huge peice of land, so that I could build another house for my parents to live in so they could be close by. And we'd have horses, maybe sheep... and other farm animals. I would prefer it be on the water too.
I wouldnt' want to live in a big hoity toity mansion. Nope, that's not the life for me. Instead my house would be an old style farm house. With claw foot tubs and farm sinks. It would be a home.. warm and inviting. And peaceful. There would be no fancy dinnerware or Italian chandeliers.. instead there would be old creaky hard wood floors and surfaces worn with time and love.
We would travel of course. To Europe and everywhere else our hearts desired.
There would be another baby. But no more than one... because I truly beleive in either decreasing the population or simply replacing ourselves with our children.
After baby, there would be some platic surgery, and most definitly some lipo.. with maybe a boob job hahaha Hey why not right? lol
I wouldn't buy expensive cars. I'd probably buy a hybrid. Most likely a Honda because I love them.
I know my hubs would build a race track, or a go-kart track to play on. And that's fine.
I would ride my horses around while he tinkered on his toys. Rowan and I would take care of the animals... because she loves farm animals. She would have a big tree house, and perhaps a swimming pool. She would attend private school locally, and get super smart.
I would give to others too. I would pay off all our immediate family members mortgages. I would give to the church. I would give my condo to my BFF... because she deserves a break.
I would buy my little sister a house.
I would send all my neices and nephews to college.
Perhaps at Christmas, everyone would get a new car.
Our parents would retire, and enjoy life.
And that would be our happy ending.
Nice eh? Maybe I should get to the store and buy a ticket.
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
22 hours ago
We have a compost pile :)
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