Friday, January 16, 2009

Ha... cold my butt...oh wait

So I came downstairs only minutes ago from having showered. I walked straight to the kitchen to get my morning coffee... as is customary.

I was eager also to check the Thermometer hung outside my kitchen window.... the Weather Man has been predicting today was going to be sub zero cold.

HA!!! Wrong Mr. Weather man!! wrong... its 25... yeah that's cold... but certainly not "Artic" hahaha jack ass weather man... hahaha.. I laugh in your face.... oh.... oh wait.


that's not 25...

its negative 15..... negative!!!

oops..... damn artic weather.


*~*Lis*~* said...

SHIT!!! I was psyched when I saw this - thought it was really 25!!! I haven't been out yet but that explains why even with the fire going ti feels chilly in here!