We live a simple life here in the mountains of NH which means we do a lot of outdoor activities. Now this isn't always by choice on my part. City girl misses her mall!!!
But my daughter is growing up with fresh air in her lungs and she's learning to enjoy the beauty of nature.
One of her favorite activities is fishing. She loves walking around the woods, exploring cold mountain streams with her toes, and most of all devouring little fried fishies she catches and kills with her Gramps.
Yesterday Gramps chased down a fish stocking truck, and found where they were dumping farmed fish into a local stream... so he ran home, grabbed all his fishing gear and loaded us into the car for a bit-o-fishing.
We only caught one little tiny brook trout, but we kept him, and later when we got home, Rowan thoroughly enjoyed him all fried up in some butter... Mmmmmmm
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
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