Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Since we are not living with Gramps this summer, I had to go out and buy my fishing license so Ro could get her fix!
That girl loves fishing, and thankfully the Easter bunny brought her a new fishing pole!

I am the queen of catching sunfish too... just saying

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rawr!!! Attack of the killer robot crab!

The place to be...

So apparently our new place is the place to be! We have fire pits regularly with family and friends! oh and fyi..if you can't find marshmallows to toast.. peeps work just as well.

I'm spontaneous, what can I say?

I had a dream my nose was pierced, and then I HAD to have it pierced.. so I did.

Spring T-Ball

So excited to be back in civilization where they over pre-k sports programs!

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred results

Before - January

After - March

My newly aquired man muslces! lol

Happy 5th Birthday Rowan Aislan!

I can't beleive my baby girls is 5 years old! She has grown so much in the past year and her little personality has just bloomed! She is quirky, funny, dramatic and crazy. Destined to be a class clown, she finds nothing more entertaining than singing and dancing until she gets both myself and her daddy laughing hysterically.

She is in love with Justin Beiber but would never admit it because... gasp.. that would be sooo embarassing.

She starts kindergarten this fall.... sniffles.

We had her party at a health club swimming facility this year. She felt she was "to old" for the Children's museum again. I did a beach theme, and I got the most amazing cupcakes made by a good friend. They came out adorable.

We swam, laughed, played, and ate yummy treats. Afterwards a good number of our guests came back here to brave the cloudy cold day to hang out around our firepit and BBQ. :) Good times were had by all.